Quality is a Seven Letter Word

That’s Worth Being a Part Of!

 Happy New Year, Citizens! Now that the Holiday bustle is over with, and the lid on 2018 freshly peeled open, it’s time to jump right into something heroic! You’re probably thinking: “this is where Patman usually goes into a tirade about heroic savings.” Aren’t you?

Well you bet your sweet frostbitten nose tips that this is exactly what I’m going to do! After all, I’m Patman, it’s kind of my thing! What if I told you there are heroic quality deals hidden away, that Pat’s has in store for you?  What if I told you that these deals ran all year long, and only special members of Pat’s special rewards club could access them? What if I told you that you too can save like a hero, and become a member?  Well look no further; you don’t need heroic sight to see the advantages of joining the Pat’s Heroes Club!

That’s right! The Pat’s Heroes Club is an exclusive opportunity to obtain even more yearlong deals, but only for the bold who sign up for it! When you stop in, be sure to speak to one of our experienced service advisors about becoming a member of Pat’s Heroes Club!  All that is required is giving out a valid email, and once you become a regular customer special deals will be emailed to you! Your email is all you need to be in the system as a Pat’s Heroes member!  Combined with all our other heroic deals, that’s DOUBLE the auto service savings you COULD have access to!

So why wait? Why deny yourself even more savings?  I know you won’t! Because at Pat’s, you’re all heroes to us! And loyalty deserves to be rewarded in a heroic way!

I should know! The hero business is also kind of my thing!

Stay sharp, Citizens!



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